The perfect cocktail and where to find it. Theory and practice in the book,“Cocktail Estetica” (Cocktail Aesthetics ) by Luca Manni


“If it looks great it tastes great.” Luca Manni, a famous Florentine barman, holds with this motto. His nick-name, “The Sheriff,” extends well beyond Florence. He is the spokesperson of his so-called “liquid philosophy”: an approach to the art of mixology that applies the concepts and theories of design to the creation of cocktails.

He has long-term experience in the field of mixology, studying and researching a style of mixing  that opens up a never ending road for attention to aesthetic details! This goes from the creation of the cocktail itself to the choice of the glass to presented it in, culminating in the choice of garnishing and the use of ice.

The book, “Cocktail Estetica”, (unfortunately for now in Italian but well illustrated), launched in bookshops throughout Italy in June 2021, was written in collaboration with the renowned journalists, Federico S. Bellanca and Giacomo Iacobellis, boasting amongst its pages contributions made by leading Italian experts and photographers, along with 10 international bartenders.

Therefore, a cocktail signed by Luca Manni starts with a visual appreciation, in a world that is ever more visual and social, one where communication goes hand-in hand with taste and sensorial experiences.

Artista, noted and selected by Luca Manni himself and included in the book,  could not be missing in this whirlwind of inspiration where he created a special recipe to an artist of excellence from Livorno,  Amedeo Modigliani.

The binding theme in all Manni’s recipes is that of Aesthetics, it is his secret ingredient, invisible yet perceivable at the same time, for a perfect, successful cocktail.

Cocktail Estetica” can be purchased in Italian bookshops  or on line at

Box Artista Amaro a € 33,00

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